Disclaimer: The web pages here are my personal work, results and comments of my own experience and research.  I am not associated with any political party, institution, corporation nor religious sect.  My ideas, opinions and ramblings may be crazy and somewhat abnormal..  Some of my views may be unfair or horribly wrong. As a child in the 60s, I was very weird, in the days before "autism" was recognized. Today I am partially cured but still suffer from social phobia and my communication skills, including writing, are not very good. Please let me know if there are any errors in my content. RRG2020


Currently looking for a partner to develope my patents and designs.


Patent Dreamer?

Inventing things since I could walk,  20+ inventions and designs are to be patented soon. To see a preliminary list of these, see the page Inventions. Details and sub-pages are hidden until a patent or design is filed or rejected.


Other Innovations & Open-Source Ideas: 

Impossible to patent all my inventions and a lot of them are not qualified as patents, too weak, vague, just ideas or would take up too much time. I hand these designs over to others to be developed freely. Examples can be seen at  > Open-Source and detailed in the up-and-coming sub-pages. Let us, together, make the world a better place!


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