COVID-19 Statistics for Week-10 Expanded by RRG

The latest report of 2020-06-15 is at


I have collected plain statistics from and expanded them somewhat including other factors and compairing this week with last week. Update ever Sunday?


P = population (millions) 2019

T = yearly tourists 2017/18

c = cases reported

d = deaths confirmed

m = millions

a = average over weeks since the first case in that country


My notes to the results of calender WEEK-10 compared to WEEK-9 based on sheets below. Red=bad news, green=good. The results confirms that lock-downs will work best and they are justified. Till summer, try to stay at home? Vitamin-C and D (sunlight) strengthens your immune system!


CORVID-19 data sorted by column "N" total cases by country. China now reporting far less new cases, column "W"!


Column "W": new cases calender week 10 shows the new burning points!


Obviously a "tourist-virus", sheet sorted by number of yearly tourists, colum "C". Exceptions: Turkey, Canada and Thailand. Why? Do not blame travelling businessmen (use business/first class air-travel) as they do not usually attend mass events or take public transport, always wash their hands!


Demographics from China (Feb 19) Source: Reddit/ChinaCDC:

Death rates: Considering the death rate on cruiseship "Diamond Princess" of 1%, countries showing a high deat rate have more travellers returning from hot-spots ... or the country ids not testing enough, expect the infection cases to be much higher than shown.


 To see my entire sheet (all effected 101 countries), interactive, please see: statistics:  >

Morgenpost graphs and maps:


Next update Sunday 2020-04-05